Virginia, United States
I guess you could say I was born an artist! My intrinsic artistic abilities appeared around the age of 1½ years old when I began scribbling colorful imagery on my bedroom walls, later carving designs and cryptic messages on my parent’s fine furniture. Over the years, I have continued my artistic endeavors working as a monotype printmaker, encaustic painter, and mixed media artist.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Fall always reminds me of crows. As I travel to work each day, I pass numerous fields. Maybe of them are barren from recently harvested corn, and grasses. Often, I see the crows hopping about searching for treasures. They amaze me; I wish I could sit and watch their antics for hours.

 Crows in the Garden (C) 18" x 9" POR

Crows Out the Window (C) 18" x 9" POR

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