Virginia, United States
I guess you could say I was born an artist! My intrinsic artistic abilities appeared around the age of 1½ years old when I began scribbling colorful imagery on my bedroom walls, later carving designs and cryptic messages on my parent’s fine furniture. Over the years, I have continued my artistic endeavors working as a monotype printmaker, encaustic painter, and mixed media artist.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

New Works

Ah, I have been teaching and painting and trying to balance life in all areas....So fortunate for studio is one of my latest cold wax pieces. 

This month I have had the pleasure of meeting several new folks in my classes! what a delight to see the creativity flow. when a person comes in and tells me they have never had an art class and then they leave with not one, but several pieces of work they (and I) adore, it makes my day complete. 

In the world today, I feel we just need more outlets for creative expression. All of some form need, art, music, or dance....we need it. It's hearing, it makes the world stop for a while, and we feel least I know I do. 

If you are ready for a class, I am teaching this coming weekend in Lynchburg at the Art Box,
if you are interested, use the contact form above or contact the Art Bx, Lynchburg. Also, you can check out the new winter listings for the Studio School. I have several classes for the beginner and advanced student alike. 

Enjoy the fall.....
Happy creating!

Monday, September 3, 2018

New Works, Fall Shows

Wow, what a long hot summer!
I have had some great studio days and have been exploring new techniques and mediums.
Fall will be on us very quickly and I am ready for the next two shows on my agenda.

Emerald Cove (C) encaustic 8" x 8"

First will be the Lynchburg Art Show at E.C. Glass High School on September 15th (rain date September 16th) from 10-4. This is a wonderful show, in case you have not experienced it, and if you have I hope you come back and say hello!

Next, November 9th and 10th at Towers Mall, upper Level, the Studio School will present the Art Blast. This year we are in our new indoor location. So far we have 22 artists participating and we anticipate 20 more. This is also our grand opening since we moved to the Towers location. Hope you will come by and say hello and check out our new space.

Happy creating and stay cool!

Friday, July 20, 2018

Working in 3-D with Encaustic and Mixed Media Processes

A new direction! 
Last summer I began exploring 3-D with encaustic mediums. During this journey, I have been entranced with the house, bird, and the circle shapes. I plan on continuing this path. By encompassing the forms, I find I can bring a creative narrative to my work. As an artist, I have not yet been satisfied with direction, as I hear from other artists they too are always moving forward to find perfection. I feel now that I am on the right path. I am excited about the wax, materials, elements and feel of the works. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. 

Artist Statement:

The house can be a powerful symbol of the self, and often serves that purpose in dreams and art. This particular symbol perfectly captures the nature of the human self: we are all made of the same basic psychological stuff, but we’re all uniquely complex in our individual personalities and lifestyles.

My encaustic houses are a symbol of personal identity; these house sculptures are part of an inner dreamscape, deep thoughts, natural awakenings, and sensory mechanisms that are part of the soul, some of which I cannot even pretend to explain. The houses are the perfect vessel to be come a reliquary of sorts, to hold those moments or emotions captured within.  

Encaustic Printmaking at the Studio School!

What a fantastic class!

About Encaustic:

Encaustic, a wax-based painting medium characterized by luminous color and lush surface, flourished more than 2,000 years ago in Greco-Roman Egypt.

Encaustic, from the Greek encuastikos, means to "heat" or "burn". Heat is use at every stage of encaustic painting. The medium consists of beeswax melted with a small amount of resin to impact harness and pigment for the rich colors adde to the molten wax.

Painting requires quick work, as the wax begins to harden the moment it leaves the heat source. The heat binds each layer to the one set own before it, so while the image my consist of discrete compositional elements, structurally the entire surface is one carefully crafted mass, a "whole ball of wax", if you will. 

About Monotypes:

Monotypes are prized because of their unique textual qualities. They are made by drawing on glass or a plate of smooth metal or stone with a greasy substance such as printer's ink or oil paint. Then the drawing is pressed by hand onto a sheet of absorbent paper or is printed on an etching press. 

For me, I find the process very meditative. Colors  and textures can be achieved in so many ways with Encaustic, but the paper, ah...the papers! So many possibilities! Here are just a few of the class examples!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Gina Louthian-Stanley, Workshops At 310 Art Galley, Asheville, N.C. 2018


Soon I will be back in Asheville to teach classes at the wonderful 310 Gallery!

Only a few spaces left for the Mash-Up Class!  


Mystical Mixed Media Mash-Up, June 9, 10

Sat & Sun, June 9 & 10
10-3 Sat, 10-1 Sun
This is a great way to create enchanting, mystical mixed media pieces!  The Wabi-Sabi aesthetic is sometimes described as one of beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete".  Embrace the flow of something beautiful during the class.  Excellent class for beginners!  Collage papers, permanent pens, various inks and acrylics will be shared with the class.  (If you bring extra, bring natural fiber decorative papers, vintage priced, ephemera, patterned paper, handwritten paper... your choice! You can never have enough paper!)  Bring four cradled wood boards 8 x 8 - 1.5" to 2" deep, scissors, and one small bottle of Liquatex gel medium matt.  Be sure to bring lunch!
*If you are looking for papers, check out The Fine Art! They have a fantastic selection. 

Encaustic Pendants Coming June 7th- 10-4 pm FULL
Fee includes all wax, bezel setting, solder, soldering irons and soldering setups an other items needed!
Participants will create one fine premade bezel piece and up to three soldered pendants, 1” wide and up to 3” long.  Use wax, metal and small inclusions you may wish to bring such as dried flowers, small inspirational words, bits of collage/decorative papers, or small charms. Learn fantastic skills and have fun in this exciting new class at 310 ART. (Extra materials will be available for purchase should you wish to create more.)​

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Home- Encaustic

I love being home, no place like it!
This past weekend was Open Studios Tours and I opened up my home to the public.
I had two amazing guest Artists, John Morgan,  his wife Charlotte,  and Aggie Zed.

We all had the pleasure of talking about our art and how fortunate we were to have beautiful weather.
A special thank you to everyone who came by and for all the art collectors out there.
Hats off to you for great conversations and compliments.

See you again next year.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Open Studios Tour Roanoke 2018

Open Studios Tour Roanoke!
April 28 and 29th I will be opening up my home once again for the Open Studios Tour. I will have the Visual Haiku's as well as works created with encaustic and cold wax and oil. In addition, I will have some of my handmade jewelry available. 

My amazing guests are John Morgan, an assemblage artist, and Aggie Zed, painter and potter (sculpture.) Hope you will drop in to take a peek!

If you don't know John Morgan or his work you should!
John is known, currently, for  his work with assemblage. He holds an MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University.  Longwood University, St. Petersburg Museum of Fine Arts, Sweet Briar College, and VCU hold his work in their permanent Collections.  Altria (Formerly Phillip Morris) and the Virginia Museum of the Confederacy, as well as numerous private and public collectors, own his work. Morgan is the recipient of two National Endowment of the Arts Grants and previously had a one-man show at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.

Aggie Zed. Another artist you should know!

 dream of a flightless animal     4”H x 7”W x 7”D
Aggie Zed’s sculpture ranges from intimately-scaled ceramic figures of people and human-animal hybrids to copper wire and ceramic horses to ceramic and mixed-metals contrivances she calls “scrap floats”. Her scrap floats are intended as entries in a parade of the future.
She currently lives with her husband in Gordonsville, Virginia, where she keeps animals in her life, especially chickens, which defy anthropomorphism .

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Gina Louthian-Stanley Open Studios Tour and More!

The Studio School is Moving!
Just a quick note in case you did not hear, starting April 2, 2018 The Studio School is moving to the upper level of Towers Mall! I can not tell you how excited we are! It's a beautiful space!

My plans in May, June and July are to add basic drawing, basic painting, and continuing the Wabi Sabi Monday night open studio classes! If you have an interest in a class not offered, please let me know!

Also April 28 and 29th I will be opening up my home once again for the Open Studios Tour. My amazing guests are John Morgan, an assemblage artist, and Aggie Zed, painter and potter (sculpture.) Hope you will drop in to take a peek. Spring IS on the way. 
Mossy Rocks (C) cold wax and oil

Monday, January 8, 2018

Happy 2018

2018, wow, time just rolls on.
I hope 2018 is kid to us all.
So much going on.

Thought I would post my usual New Year post.....May you find:

Strength to accept the things you can not change-shade at twilight on a summer afternoon-a heather plant to greet you-a friend who you are proud of-good hard work-one comfortable place to sit-your favorite music-warmth in winter-those old shoes-heat of the sun-ocean breezes-dark chocolate--cookies-a card from a friend-a single flower-windmills-funky cars-an infectious laugh-recycled stuff-people who let you be real-finding 10$ in a pocket-books that touch you-helping a stranger-pets-clean sheets- quilts- pleasant childhood memories-giggling children-drawing a picture-a favorite color-the things you belong to-a sunset-a sunrise-water-mountains-100% cotton-organic stuff-grass in the cracks-stormy skies-unicorns and mermaids-a clear pond-time change-peace-dinner and dishes by someone else-negative ions-clear counters-moss-time alone-warm a bath in a quiet house-a stranger saying 'Hi!' and believing it-dirty knees-laughing-a good cry-a box full of memories-picking and eating from your garden-a car you can trust-comfortable silence with friends-gentle children-giving unconditionally-making someone smile-setting a goal and accomplishing it-a toilet that flushes-standing tall-stamps-people with beautiful hearts-leather-plant and flower shops-old jeans-feeling good enough to be kind-a quiet faucet-ice cream-clean water-a friend that has one you can borrow-chimney sweeps-lightening bugs-evening breezes and bats-fantasies-being there-a heartache that is gone-a friendly tax appraiser-a friend that sings as she works-a cup of hot tea-lacy things-nosegays on the windwsills in summer-a single feather-the hours before the world wakes up-being gentle to Mother Earth-consoling someone-falling stars-spring aromas of honeysuckle-back scratches-no line at the check out counter-inner peace-an old t-shirt-a parking place-feeling the breeze-a time together-finishing a task-touch-feel-declared by mother nature-smell-hearing-seeing-ice on the window-a holiday-singing in a group-big men with little babies-remembering someone who loved you well-green apples-cheese-art that touches you-night sky-big trees-staying home-respect-affection-compliments you believe-a well deserved paycheck-big trees in little cities-motorcycles- Amtrack- airplanes- taxi's and busses-clean paper-giving something of benefit back to society-movies with gentle hero's-popcorn-the idea of enough-being able to read-being able to love-choices-saying' no'-saying 'yes' from deep down inside-babbling brooks-linen-a tax refund-the purr of a cat-and a meaningful kiss...