Virginia, United States
I guess you could say I was born an artist! My intrinsic artistic abilities appeared around the age of 1½ years old when I began scribbling colorful imagery on my bedroom walls, later carving designs and cryptic messages on my parent’s fine furniture. Over the years, I have continued my artistic endeavors working as a monotype printmaker, encaustic painter, and mixed media artist.

Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year Wishes

At the Edge of My by the artist (C)


Here are my wishes for you!

Strength to accept the things you can not change-shade at twilight on a summer afternoon-a heather plant to greet you-a friend who you are proud of-good hard work-one comfortable place to sit-your favorite music-warmth in winter-those old shoes-heat of the sun-ocean breezes-dark chocolate--cookies-a card from a friend-a single flower-windmills-funky cars-an infectious laugh-recycled stuff-people who let you be real-finding 10$ in a pocket-books that touch you-helping a stranger-pets-clean sheets- quilts- pleasant childhood memories-giggling children-drawing a picture-a favorite color-the things you belong to-a sunset-a sunrise-water-mountains-100% cotton-organic stuff-grass in the cracks-stormy skies-unicorns and mermaids-a clear pond-time change-peace-dinner and dishes by someone else-negative ions-clear counters-moss-time alone-warm a bath in a quiet house-a stranger saying 'Hi!' and believing it-dirty knees-laughing-a good cry-a box full of memories-picking and eating from your garden-a car you can trust-comfortable silence with friends-gentle children-giving unconditionally-making someone smile-setting a goal and accomplishing it-a toilet that flushes-standing tall-stamps-people with beautiful hearts-leather-plant and flower shops-old jeans-feeling good enough to be kind-a quiet faucet-ice cream-clean water-a friend that has one you can borrow-chimney sweeps-lightening bugs-evening breezes and bats-fantasies-being there-a heartache that is gone-a friendly tax appraiser-a friend that sings as she works-a cup of hot tea-lacy things-nosegays on the windwsills in summer-a single feather-the hours before the world wakes up-being gentle to Mother Earth-consoling someone-falling stars-spring aromas of honeysuckle-back scratches-no line at the check out counter-inner peace-an old t-shirt-a parking place-feeling the breeze-a time together-finishing a task-touch-feel-declared by mother nature-smell-hearing-seeing-ice on the window-a holiday-singing in a group-big men with little babies-remembering someone who loved you well-green apples-cheese-art that touches you-night sky-big trees-staying home-respect-affection-compliments you believe-a well deserved paycheck-big trees in little cities-motorcycles- Amtrack- airplanes- taxi's and busses-clean paper-giving something of benefit back to society-movies with gentle hero's-popcorn-the idea of enough-being able to read-being able to love-choices-saying' no'-saying 'yes' from deep down inside-babbling brooks-linen-a tax refund-the purr of a cat-and a meaningful kiss...

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Quiet Days

The last few days, it has been damp and rainy here.
I have enjoyed this break following the holiday frenzy.
Misty Lake monotype (C) SOLD

I have been extremely lazy...yes.
Today I dug through the cabinets in my studio, looking...looking for something...what?
Nothing in particular.
Typically, when I go through things I will find something to evoke a spark of creativity, however, today, I did not find it. What I did find were some old photos and poems that I had stashed in the art cabinet, perhaps when I was cleaning (I often stick things inside of something in order to tidy up, lol). I sat, read, looked at the photos and reflected on the imagery.

Frozen Lake pastel (C)

The images I added today were images from past creations. I chose these because they seemed to reflect my mood and the weather.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Wishing for Peace ON Earth!
Merry Christmas to everyone who stops by...

I hope you have a wonderful Holiday!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Getting Ready For Christmas



Needless to say, my stupid fall left me running (literally) behind. I am just now going through all the cards I have gotten and looking at my shopping list. It looks as if I will be shopping on Friday and Saturday. I know darn good and well I have a whole year to be prepared, but am I? NO! Of course not! Are you?

At least I have painted a few Christmas cards this week.


Saturday, December 8, 2007

Art Under the Sun Show

I had a fantastic Thursday this past week! I delivered art to Floyd's Art Under the Sun Gallery! Marsha, Tina, Patricia, and Gretchen, as well as Gretchen's daughter, Marjorie, helped me unpack, hang and decorate for my first Floyd show, which opened last night! I usually get really anxious about show openings, but I have looked forward to this show for months! I love what is happening in this gallery! Creative energy abound!

Here is the set up!

Wonderful lights and space!

I will be showing my pendants for the first time!

*Art Under the Sun*
302 South Locust Street Floyd, Virginia
December 6 through December 14th, 2007
Opening reception: December 7th 4-7 pm

PLEASE! Check out the gallery next time you get to Floyd, tell Marsha that Gina sent you!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Cool Weather Art

I have been enjoying the cooler temperatures! Still Virginia needs rain, lots of it. The leaves are turning, but dropping and falling off rather quickly. I am still hoping I get to see the corals and salmon colors that fire up my senses...we shall see.

In the meantime, I have been working on some mini watercolors. I hope to get outside and paint on location, or at least get some good photos. I just got a toy Holga camera and am anxious to play with that as well as my new pinhole camera.

Graveyard Spirit Photograph (C) 2007

I have way too many images in my head. Never enough time to carry them all out...guess I can dream.

Here's what I have so far (sorry, they are a little too blue);

Blue Ridge Parkway (C) watercolor 2007

Winter Mountain watercolor (C) 2007 sold

Winter Creek watercolor (C) 2007 sold

Fall Creek watercolor (C) 2007 sold

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

October-Fall is Upon Us

"Twilight Storm" (C) monotype

Well, I have been neglecting my blog, as you can tell. Since going back to teaching full time, I have been spending less time painting. I find myself hoping, already, for a snow day or two! I have been doing a few small pieces here and there, painting in the cracks of time.

I have agreed to do a few shows this fall. So, I better get busy!

Come visit these galleries and view the shows.

Here are a few of them:

*2007 Open Studios Art Show @WVTF *

(public radio and TV, located on the road by Red Lobster)

Dates of show: October 1 through 31, 2007

Opening reception Friday, Oct. 26, 5:00-8:00 pm

*A Delicate Balance*

(I will be showing with my friend and fellow artist, Janet Sachs)

Gallery 108

November 1 through December 1, 2007

Opening Reception: Thursday, November 1st, 5-8 pm

*Headwaters, A Celebration of

Virginia's Western Lands*

Alleghany Highlands Arts & Crafts Center

Clifton Forge, Va. November 27 - December 28, 2007

*Art Under the Sun*

302 South Locust Street Floyd, Virginia

December 6 through December 14th, 2007

Opening reception: December 7th 4-7 pm

For those of you who have not been to Floyd recently, you have got to visit this wonderful gallery!

The gallery is made up of a grassroots group of artists from Floyd County... Karen Sewell's cozy country scenes; Tina Liza Jones' pen & ink drawings of folk musicians; Karen Limke's pastel nature studies; Marsha Slopey Paulekas' oils of musicians and country characters; Gretchen St. Lawrence's pastel animal portraits and Patricia Robin Woodruff's spiritual and nature art... as well as featured artists each month. Exhibits change all the time. Every Sunday, they offer figure drawing from 3-5pm! First Friday celebrations combine live musical performances and art along a theme. Come join them for drawing opportunities and weekend classes. Floyd is known for its live music scene, creative culture and art. We have one red light, over 12 live music venues, and over 14 art galleries, as well as the beautiful rolling hills of a Virginia rural area. While you are there, enjoy a grand cup of coffee at Cafe del Sol.

"Western Mountains" (C) monotype

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Lynchburg Art Show, September 15th, 2007

"Winter Creek" (C) monotype (SOLD)

I have been getting ready for this show! It is one of my all time favorites! I just love sitting out at the ball field, transformed into an art show, meeting new folks and catching up with other artists! I will miss being next to Kim, who is having a baby, and Lorna who is in the midst of buying a house. I will have two new 'roomies.' One is an artist from North Carolina, Lynn, and one from Smith Mountain Lake, Nancy! I adore them both! And, as always, my dear friend, Lucy, will help me set up and listen to my drivel all day! Now for the best part, after the show, we go to our favorite Mexican place! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Many thanks to David Eakin! He works so hard and makes everything so nice for the artists. Check out his work!
Hope to see you all soon!

Where does the time go?

Busy times.

I am working on more pages for two more 'fat books.' I have become addicted to making and receiving them over the years. I have met so many other fantastic artists and made new, wonderful friends. I love my opening 'fat books' while sitting in my car once I get the package from the post office box! I get in the car, turn the air on (damn, it has been hot), and covet it in my cool, private moment! Most of the time, they arrive on a day when I really cherish the break, the art, and the inspiration contained inside. What a rush!

This fat book theme was 'Nesting. " See how fat? A fat feast for the eyes!

Then there was the charm swap! Here is a photo of just some of the charms from Amber Dawn's charm swap! I adore those as well. I am fortunate to be a member in such fantastic groups!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Belle Armoire Jewelry Volume 3

I was surfing the net this morning over my coffee. I found a beautiful site and had a HUGE surprise! I noticed I share the cover with these other wonderful artists! I am so excited! Thanks to Michelle and Belle Armorie!

Excerpt from the intro for the magazine:

Belle Armoire Jewelry Volume 3 is your source for some of the hottest trends in jewelry, including metal clay, beading, metal stamping, paper collage, resin, and fiber. Deryn Mentock takes ordinary antique flatware and transforms it into perfectly wonderful “Spoonful Pendants” with the addition of vintage chandelier crystals, beads, wirework and ethereal images. Elegance, tradition and history come together in Kristen Robinson’s “At The Ball” resin and silver charm necklaces that evoke the glorious age of the haute ton. Metal clay is not just “For the Birds” as wannabe metalsmith Catherine Witherell shows in designing whimsical birdhouse pendants and jointed bird pendants with Precious Metal Clay. Belle Armoire Jewelry Volume 3 has something for everyone!
(My piece is the third one from the top)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Women In Art

This is Awesome!


I had hoped to get more photos of the show. Ted did a fantastic job of hanging all of the pieces!This photo depicts only a small portion of this show. I walked in and was amazed to see a full gallery representation of my work. Typically I hang all my work on my home studio walls. I see it up close and in often poor lighting. Seeing it hung in this manner was astounding. I hope that if you get to go to the show, you will please comment and let me know what you think. Thanks!

(Special thanks to David and Kelly!)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Winding Down

I have been printing, painting, matting and framing pieces for the upcoming art show. I figure I have over 50 pieces ready to be hung. This is exciting! I can not wait to see them all hung in a gallery setting.

The opening is next Friday...YAY! After that, I am hoping to take a break, read a few books, garden, etc. There are a few folks I plan on visiting and I need my girlfriend fix...I also have a few birthday R.A.K.'s (random acts of kindness) to fill. I also try to stay active with postcard-X and I try to send postcards to random folks from all over. (Postcard-X has been a lot of fun...I never know what treasures or oddities will grace my mailbox!) I am just looking forward to enjoying what few days are left of vacation.

"Watercolor" watercolor (C) gls

"Storm Cloud" Monotype (C) gls

" Stormy Canyon" monotype (C) gls

"Storm Chaser" monotype (C) gls SOLD

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

More Monotypes

Carving the Earth (C) monotype gls

Distant Mountains (C) monotype gls SOLD

Abberations of Light (C) monotype gls

Stormy Waters (C) monotype gls

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Figurative Works

Grandmother's Wndow (C) monotype collage gls
The Orchid and the Dandelion (C) monotype gls

I do not do too many figurative works...I prefer the landscape and capturing the soul of the earth. But, this figures have an element that ties them to the earth, flowers. I prefer not to use detail in the I feel the statement is what we leave behind, or what we give back to the earth, not take from it. These figures are in tune with an earthly balance...

True Boheme

Winter Falls (C) watercolor gls

Sun Fog Watercolor (C) gls sold

Autumn Creek (C) monotype gls

A Rose in the Woods (C) monotype gls (SOLD)

A Touch of Red (C) gls

Western River (C) watercolor gls

Rancho Murieta watercolor (C) gls

Winter Lights Watercolor (C) gls (SOLD)

Fall Fog (C) watercolor gls

I seem to be living the typical Boheme lifestyle. LOL. Creating...sipping a bit of wine here and there, and definitely NOT following a clock. Typically, I arise at 5:30 am, but now I get up at 8:30 am or even 9 am. I truly feel out of sync, but I am getting some creating done. I am not sure how though because I am not one bit focused. I get up, have coffee with the cats, check emails, eBay auctions, and run in and out of the house, deadheading flowers, and looking at the wildlife here. Somehow, I have to find time to clean house, do laundry, and cook dinner. I wish I could download atomic clock sync internally...or maybe not, lol.

So, I guess I am living the life of a true artist?

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Green Hole (C) gls

Fall Creek (C) gls sold

Cloud Shadows (C) gls SOLD

Fall Lake 2 (C) gls

Fall on the Creek (C) gls

I am frustrated. I seem to be getting things all muddied...or maybe I have been working too hard getting ready for the coming shows?

Monday, July 9, 2007

Make a Pollock! Have Fun!

"It is only when I lose contact with the painting that the result is a mess. Otherwise there is pure harmony, an easy give and take, and the painting comes out well."Jackson Pollock

Sunday, July 8, 2007