Virginia, United States
I guess you could say I was born an artist! My intrinsic artistic abilities appeared around the age of 1½ years old when I began scribbling colorful imagery on my bedroom walls, later carving designs and cryptic messages on my parent’s fine furniture. Over the years, I have continued my artistic endeavors working as a monotype printmaker, encaustic painter, and mixed media artist.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Artistic Updates

I am honored to be included in this show. 
I so wish I could see it in person!

Dear Gina:
I am happy to announce the following artists will be participating in the Encaustic: Nature as Muse exhibit in January 2015 at the Steamboat Springs Arts Council. 

Ruth LaGue, Julie Houck, Timolyn Esson, Harriette Tsosie. Meg Voigt Meersman, Mari Renwick, Jeanne Schneider, Jennifer Robinson, Cherie Duty, Gina Louthian-Stanley, Linda Wein, Deborah Martin, Lynda Ray, Patricia Leeds, Leslie Ford, Carol Babington, Shawna Moore, Patricia Dusman, and Lynn Basa.

I have also attached a pdf of the marketing materials. We will be updating our web-site at shortly.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

So Excited!!!!

I am a bit excited today! I just got this email form the Steamboat Springs Arts Council, in Littleton, Colorado!

"I am very pleased let you know your piece was selected for our upcoming inter-national exhibit entitled - Encaustic: Nature as Muse exhibit at the Steamboat Springs Arts Council. This piece(s) was chosen to be displayed through the month of January 2015. The jurying process was very competitive this year and your work stood out above the crowd. Congratulations!"

Exhibition dates: January 1, 2015 - February 2nd, 2015

Sunday, November 30, 2014

New Cold Wax and Oils.....

New Works 
Time off....holidays....relaxed days....make for time to create new works. 
Eagerly awaiting snow days and more holidays so I can take all the visions in my head 
and give them breath.......ahhhhh.

 Autumn Sunlight  on Snow (C)

 Spring Marshlands (C)

Wrapped by the Sea (C)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Here it is, October! Time is rolling on....
The summer was full of so many good things, I hate to see it go!
Thing is, the colors of autumn are slowly appearing. 

Also, tomorrow is October's Art By Night!
Hope you can stop by Art on Kirk 
and see the new work!
 5-9pm   114 Kirk Avenue, SW                                          

                                                  Autumn River (C)                 encaustic

Moon Over the Mountains (C)     encaustic monotype

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Rainy Day Painting with Cold Wax

Ah, five days of rain.....wonderful days to listen to music, read, 
and to paint! Yes! Creative moments. 
I actually have begun a new series of encaustic pieces that are very colorful, abstract, and have comical titles. Hopefully, I can get all these together for an upcoming show in September! 

I also worked in cold wax mixed with oil. One of my all 
time favorite mediums. I have been working with it for 
several years now, and I learn more and more everyday! I 
can't wait for the the evenings when I can get in the studio 
to paint, and also look forward to teaching classes 
most Saturdays. 

Here is one of my most recent pieces. 
The title is Comets and Sea-spray (C)

Monday, July 7, 2014

Withered, Summer Encaustics!

OK, I know, it has been in the high 90's, but the Encaustics go on!
This one is titled appropriately, 'Withered' 12 x 12. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Encaustic Monotypes!

     Last week I had the pleasure of teaching encaustic monotypes, an intro course! Fleta Monaghan, who is  creator of 310 Art at the Rivers Edge, Arts District, Asheville, N. C. , organized a Hot and Cold show with artists from across the Nation who work with wax, hot or cold. The show runs through the end of July. She also organized a week of wax classes! The week began with Cindy Walton and cold wax, followed by Erin Keane, Bet Kindley, and myself. 

     The classroom was absolutely fantastic! We had four hot boxes and several palettes with small plates fro printing! Enkaustikos provided samples and I was able to find paper sample packs on their website! The intro class covered safety (which is always first and foremost in importance), papers, mediums, working techniques, how to mount or show the works, and we ended class with a critique and discussion of the process. A special thanks to everyone behind the scenes for making this class a success! I look forward to seeing you again!

A snapshot of our classroom.

 Erin painting her plate.

 A finished (or not) print.

 Fleta working on a plate.
 Rebecca taking a break.

 Finished pieces!

Jean's favorite!

Monday, June 16, 2014

As the River Flows Encaustic

                                    (C) gls

     Time now to work is done until August! Finally time off to paint, create, and teach!
I will be teaching encaustic printmaking! I am very excited to share what I have learned about this medium with others. It is such a freeing medium! Being that monotype was my thesis focus and for the past six or seven years, I have been exploring cold and hot wax, there is a way to print with encaustics!

     Encaustic Monotype is a contemporary medium combining the ancient art of encaustic painting with the general concept of monotype. The technique was originated byDorothy Furlong Gardner, a printmaker who in the early 1980′s “wanted to combine the directness and immediacy of the monotype with the richness and luminosity of encaustic painting”. In the late 1990s, Paula Roland, a painter, began her work based upon Dorothy’s discoveries, and modified the monotype process. Encaustic Monotypes are still in an incubation period and are being transformed in many new ways. Elise Wagner is an encaustic printmaker who uses wax to create encaustic collagraph monotypes and is still making new discoveries in her processes.
     Historically, the first monotype was attributed to Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione (1616-1670) a contemporary of Rembrandt (1606-1669). Many artists experimented wit monotype, Degas, Blake, Picasso, Oliveria, and Johns, to name a few. Conventional monotypes or monoprints are typically one-of-a-kind prints created with oil based inks on paper with or without utilizing a printmakers press.  (Jung, William, History of the Monotype, 1996).

     I plan on exploring printmaking first this summer, then I want to dive into more experimental ways to work with traditional encaustics.....It's going to be a great experience!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sidewalk Art Show

NOTE: After 35 years, I WILL NOT be at the Sidewalk Art Show again this year.
I WILL be showing new works at my studio only on Saturday May 31 from 12-4pm, so please stop by! 

If you can't make it, feel free to call for a time to visit 
my studio/gallery or take a class in cold wax, 
encaustic, or soldered pendants. 

My studio/gallery is located at 114-A Kirk Avenue, 
Roanoke, VA. 

Thank you!

Special Saturday pricing May 31st!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Open Studio Tour 2014

What a wonderful day yesterday for Open Studio Tours! 
I met so many wonderful art lovers and was glad they came to the new location at 
2238 Sewell Lane, SW! 

My guest artists were part of an amazing team that made the extra mile to 
make the tour a success! A special thanks to Jane Frank, Meridith Entingh, and Maya Bohler! 

Today we will open the studios about 11:30 am and hope folks will come visit!

A special thanks to all of you who supported the arts yesterday!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

New Encaustics

Well, January sure was a colder-than-I-can-remember month! It sure made it great to work with encaustics, firing up the hot plates and staying all warm and toasty. I was able to try a myriad of techniques and just 'play'. Here are a few of the results.

Guess it is a good thing I had this time, looks like I will be the featured artist at Art On Kirk for February! WOW! You can see most of these works on Art By Night, Friday February 7th from 5-9pm.

It will soon be time for Open Studio tours and I hope to have more new Encaustic works then.
Stay warm and safe everyone.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Red Earth-Oil and Cold Wax

     Winter days have lent themselves to time in the studio, much needed time. 
Music, hot beverages, and paint....
Again, I find myself falling in love with oil and wax. Cold wax and hot. 

     Days of creating provided the discovery of working on new substrates and I am 
elated with the results. New papers, samples from Canson, and Gamblin and more....

     Not only was I creating, but I spent a lot of time teaching, cold wax and Encaustic as well. I passed these experimental findings to my students. I was so impressed with the workshop participants works! 
Creative juices were flowing....that always elates me, seeing others create and the smiles that come across their faces as they discover their creative path. I am looking forward to teaching more classes and 
meeting more new folks. 

  Today, however, I am back in my studio juices brewing on another cold winter's day, made just for being artful.~

 Red Earth 2 (C)

Red Earth 3 (C)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014

My wish is for everyone to have a Happy, Safe, Healthy, and Artful 2014!

This year I plan on offering even more adult and children's art classes. 
Most classes will be offered through the Studio School of Roanoke
and the others will be held at my home studio. 

If there is something you are interested in taking, please email me 
and I will respond with more information. 

My work is shifting a bit as I explore new substrates for my current medium. 
So far, I am very pleased with the results. 

I want to thank everyone who has supported my work by either purchasing it, or coming to my shows, hanging out at the Art on Kirk Gallery Studios, and just being part of my creative life!

Best wishes for a Happy New Year!
Yellow Earth (C)                 oil and Wax (SOLD)