Virginia, United States
I guess you could say I was born an artist! My intrinsic artistic abilities appeared around the age of 1½ years old when I began scribbling colorful imagery on my bedroom walls, later carving designs and cryptic messages on my parent’s fine furniture. Over the years, I have continued my artistic endeavors working as a monotype printmaker, encaustic painter, and mixed media artist.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Life's Compass...Where Are You Going?

     2011, I do not know where to begin...
     Perhaps 2001 brought me the biggest message of all, so far. 

     The message of 2011, for me, was PEACE. As I became very familiar with death this year, I found PEACE in the passing of my mother, who had had cancer which occurred and re-occurred for a very long time. I knew she would finally have a pain free existence elsewhere, perhaps being reborn into a new body and life...perhaps her soul would evolve into making PEACE with herself and with others...perhaps she would come to know what happiness is. I am finding PEACE within as I have looked inside and out, pondering the treasures vs. the unpleasantries of life. 

     PEACE is sometimes a matter of changing your perspective, one way or another...

     PEACE is simply letting go. Letting go of all the tiny 'GNATS' we tend to allow to irritate us; life is full of 'GNATS'. Annoying, pesky irritations. (You know, he is this, or he does not do this, or why is it that???, what if....) Does it really matter? Is it going to make an impact? If the answer is, "NO." , then let go find PEACE. Listen to the stillness and breathe. In and out, slowly, and let it pass. When it's tough outside, be gentle with yourself, create something, watch birds, sit by flowing water, read a book, listen to music or nature. Take a friend some flowers...or homemade bread. Let PEACE be your mantra. Let PEACE keep you healthy, mentally and physically. 

     PEACE is standing up for what is right,  or making a difference for other people or beings. Stand up, without insisting on your own way. If you do have something to say, be kind. Believe in the ultimate goodness of others. Give something back of yourself, help, be a positive role model,  and teach positives. Do something amazing for some being or something (a cause, or an animal, or the Earth)...without asking for a pat on the back. It is a great feeling to stand back quietly and see the small, yet remarkable change you can make for some being or something.

     PEACE is knowing there are many great people still out there, and they are doing great things to make the world a better place. Applaud them and join them instead of being corrupted by the sensational negativity that hovers. 

     PEACE is knowing there are always solutions; oddly enough, most of those solutions are simple if we open our mind and practice re-arranging our perspective. we are stronger together, we need each others knowledge and skill, and we need to think of our differences as a spice of life. 

     I challenge you, in 2012, to find your inner PEACE and balance through amazing experiences or tough ones, in hopes that we all can make a difference. 

 PEACE within, PEACE throughout....carry PEACE where ever your compass leads. 

     To my friends  and fellow blog readers who have had challenges this year, may you find PEACE in 2012. 

Sailors Grace (C) oil, wax, collage 6" x 8"

1 comment:

tricia said...

beautiful post, gina. i loved it so much that i am going to print it out and keep it here to remind me as i am one that needs reminding about such things quite often. wishing you all the best in 2012