Virginia, United States
I guess you could say I was born an artist! My intrinsic artistic abilities appeared around the age of 1½ years old when I began scribbling colorful imagery on my bedroom walls, later carving designs and cryptic messages on my parent’s fine furniture. Over the years, I have continued my artistic endeavors working as a monotype printmaker, encaustic painter, and mixed media artist.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Back to Basics

Last week was a busy week for me. A friend and myself decided to take a Nature Journaling class at Mary Baldwin College. We did this so we would be more resourceful when taking our students outside. I am filled with ideas to get the students outside, and to get them to write and draw.

It was a little tough because we were required to draw, and draw very quickly. Most drawings were done in one to five minutes. Well, being an artist, you'd think drawing is a snap...but, if you don't draw all the time, and practice, you loose a certain part of it. I realized that I had done just that. I have learned how to 'see', but I have become more accustomed to seeing in blocks of shape or color, not the lineage that makes up the detailed object. There are so many visual interpretations possible from what we see. I am a printmaker. I see color, shape, and texture, so this class was an exercise in drawing. I really needed to re-visit this aspect of my drawing abilities.

I also found out a lot about the Meaningful Watershed Experience. This experience is an investigative or experimental project that engages students in thinking critically about the Bay watershed. MWEEs are not intended to be quick, one-day activities; rather, they are extensive projects that allow students to gain a deep understanding of the issue or topic being presented. Students participate in background research, hands-on activities and reflection periods that are appropriate for their ages and grade levels.

As a class, we did water sampling and evaluated our samples to determine if our creek was 'healthy'. It was awesome. I can only imagine what this project could do to increase our students knowlege and self-confidence. This course made me re-evaluate myself as a teacher as well as an artist. I am going to look into adding environmental sciences or general middle school science to my endorsements.

This class was taught by some fantastic people. Claire Walker Leslie taught us a lot about journaling, and drawing. She had us do gesture drawings, which I had forgotten about. Some of my favorite drawings in college were gesture drawings.

Claire is a journalist/artist, and works with all populations to encourage journaling. Her link is below.

Rhonda Roebuck is a very talented photographer and artist. She shared so many wonderful ideas with all of us. Thank you! Check out her website below.

Dr. Tamara Willis is the person that wrote the grant for this program. She is one of those folks that is really making a difference. See the MWEE link below.

McCormick Farm, is a great place to visit! A small jewel. Check it out if you want to paint, hike, or bird watch! Check out the link below.

Jo King led us on a bird hunt at McCormick Farm. I was amazed with her knowledge! She was awesome!

Betty Greenwood was also a wonderful and knowledgeable person when it came to watersheds and art. I could not find a website for her, sorry. Her journals are beautiful inspirations as well. She turned me on to Peerless watercolors and water brushes...WOW!

I also met a lot of wonderful people from all over. What a week!
Thanks so much to everyone involved!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there!

Earlier today I placed fresh cut flowers from my flower garden on my dad's resting place. I know they flowers will not last long, but I know how much he loved natural things. Thanks dad for all you taught me and for all your love...I know our time was short. Bless you.

The mountains from Sherwood Memorial Gardens is magnificent! From my mind's eye, here are two monotypes created from my visual memory.
This full moon monotype is one that I had created some time ago, I felt it was lacking something...After sitting outside last night, I was taken by the trees blowing in the wind...
TREES! The night glow of the trees. WOW.

Enjoy your summer, and all the natural things around you. Hug your father and let him know how much you love him.